Thursday, September 20, 2012

Metta: a Practice in Loving-Kindness

Metta is a word that means loving-kindness. When we practice Metta we bring loving-kindness into our lives and the lives of others. The following is a Metta meditation that I like to do either as a quiet seated meditation or along with my yoga practice.

Think of people that you are close to, loved ones, family, friends... as you picture each one look them in the eyes and say, “I wish you peace, joy and happiness”.

Think of people with whom you have a casual acquaintance, co-workers, neighbors, yoga teachers... as you picture each one look them in the eyes and say, “I wish you peace, joy and happiness”.

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. Breath in their love for you, breath out your love for them.

Now think of people for whom you have dis-like or have had a temporary misunderstanding with... as you picture them, look them in the eyes and say, “I wish you peace, joy and happiness. I have no ill thoughts or feelings toward you and I know that you have no ill thoughts or feelings toward me”.

If YOU want to be happy, practice compassion. Breath in their forgiveness of you, breath out your forgiveness of them.

Think of all the people in the world, those you have not yet had the pleasure of meeting... as you picture the worlds population, those with similar and different views from you on politics, religion, money... picture each person on earth as if they were a reflection of you. Look at yourself with in that reflection and say, “I wish you peace, joy and happiness”.

Look at yourself, see yourself as you are today, in this moment. Say to yourself, “I wish you peace, joy and happiness”. Repeat the word “metta” to yourself for as long as you need.

Remember to carry this feeling of loving-kindness with you as you go out into the world today.

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